Small changes to your daily routine can translate into monumental success in all of your endeavorsgak usah bermimpi pengen mengubah hal yang besar kalau kita sendiri gak bisa mengubah hal-hal kecil namun rutin :)
ada 8 hal kecil yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk sebuah perubahan besar di masa yang akan datang
1. Bangun Lebih Awal.
kenapa harus bangun pagi?
By getting up early, you are not only giving yourself some extra time in the morning, but you are giving yourself some extra valuable time that will allow you to get even more done.2. Membaca
ini yang lagi saya galakkan ke diri saya sendiri, push push push push my self to read book everyday.gak usah seharian berjibaku dengan buku at least 20-30 menit lah yah.
When you read you help stimulate your thought processes, and may be surprised by the ideas that you come up with. Reading things such as magazines or newspapers can also help you stay abreast of the world around you, a trait that can only be helpful, no matter what industry you work in.
3. Olahraga
yaps, karena olahraga bisa melepaskan endorpin yang bisa meningkatkan mood dan energi kamu, selain itu bakar lemaaak boook
4. Bersyukur dan Berterimakasih
jangan lupa Bersyukur atas karunia yang telah diberikan Nya, dan latihan menunjukkan rasa terimakasih pada orang-orang sekitar, inget yah TULUS gak usah dibuat buat yang ada malah jadi aneeeh.
As it starts to become more natural, you will be surprised by how many doors open and how many new relationship you can form by showing sincere gratitude to those around you.
5. Membuat jadwal harian
Having a set schedule is a powerful tool when it comes to making the most of your day and being as productive as possible. To have the biggest impact with your time, try making your schedule the day before. This way the moment you wake up you will know just what is ahead.6. Fokus pada tugas yang memiliki prioritas tinggi
7. Melakukan hal-hal yang lebih dari yang dibutuhkan
By putting in a little more effort than required you can start getting the attention of your superiors or clients, get more done during the workday and feel a new energizing sense of motivation and satisfaction.8. Meningkatkan kemampuan pada satu area setiap harinya
No matter what it is, take the time to really try to improve one small thing, and before you know it the improvements in your personal and professional life will surprise youSOURCE
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